The day started like any other day.
Checking emails and logging into Live Support.
Among the enquires, this one titled "Our Experience" caught my eyes. It is a product review!
Hoping to share these with organic lovers and HT users, we emailed the sender to ask for consent to feature her experience on the Blog and..... everything was smooth sailing.
Here she goes,
"Thank you for recommending Radiance Expert Cleansing Balm & Organic Muslin Cloth. I love it and would like to share this with you.
The first visual of the Cleansing Balm wasn't encouraging. It appears soft and oily like hair wax and the cloth looks like normal handkerchief.
With Grace highly recommending them I decide to give it a shot.
I massage the balm on my face for around 1 or 2 minutes, rinse the muslin cloth with warm water, wring it dry, and use it to wipe the cleansing balm off my face.
This rinsing and wiping was repeated twice or thrice.
I think it is best used with warm water to rinse the muslin cloth as there are a few times when I rinse it with cold water the effect wasn't that good.
I used them every night and my skin feels cleaner and fresher!
After a month of use, my face is less oily than before. "
Jasmine Ng
24, Sales Administrator
Skin Type: Oily

Jasmine also recommended
Radiance Expert Cleansing Balm & Organic Muslin Cloth to her friend Mui Hwee. Here is her review.
"The smell of the Balm is quite strong and the texture is very soft. The cloth being organic makes me feel that it doesn't under go much processing, hence, in contact with less chemicals.
The Balm doesn’t feel greasy unless too much was applied. I wash the cloth in warm water, wring it dry and use it to wipe away the balm which was previously massaged onto face.
I use it daily except when I apply my face scrub, so 5 times a week.
It deeply cleansed my pores , my skin does not feel tight and when I use my toner with a cotton pad to wipe across the skin, no dirt was on the cotton pad.
I experience less irritation after using the Balm. Thank you for recommending them to us!"
Mui Hwee, 24
Lab Technologist
Skin Type: Normal to Oily
The information above are provided by users.
Share your experience and more people shall benefit from it!