Saturday, August 29, 2009

Henry Tianus Expert Solution

Do you know?

- Dark, age spot is one of the signs of ageing caused by hyperpigmentation

- People with darker skin tone is more prone to hyperpigmenation due to sun exposure

- It takes some times to safely reduce both the intensity and size of dark, age spots as the accumulated pigments have to be broken down gradually to avoid skin irritation

- Most of BRIGHTENING/WHITENING treatment products are formulated using harsh chemicals such as Hydroquinone which may darken the skin with prolonged use and act as a carcinogen (cancer-causing chemical) or Kojic Acid which may irritate the skin and cause contact dermatitis

- Using a broad-spectrum skin protector with SPF15 or above (preferably with micronised zinc oxide) is a must for hyperpigmented skin, otherwise none of treatment is going to work well

Now, Henry Tianus Radiance Expert has a comprehensive range of products to lighten pigmentations and brightening your complexion visit us @, Expert Solution to find out more!

Feels great meeting shower on a Sunday morning, making me really lazy on bed.

How about you? As lazy as I am :)

Have a great day!